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Entries in National Day of Prayer (1)


National Day Of Prayer Receives Support From Lawmakers Amid Controversy 

By Justine Rellosa- Talk Radio News Service

Over a dozen lawmakers held a press conference Wednesday to condemn a ruling from a federal judge in Wisconsin that the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional.

“We’re here today to encourage the White House to make sure that they appeal this decision and that they fight as vigorously as possible to make sure that this decision does not become the law of the land and the United States,” said Rep. J. Randy Forbes (R-VA), Founder and Co-Chairmen of the Congressional Prayer Caucus.

The National Day of Prayer, held annually since 1952, marks a formal request from Congress to the American people urging them to pray or meditate.

Virginian Republican Rep. Frank Wolf said that hoped the executive branch would utilize all resources to combat the ruling.

“I urge the Obama administration to appeal this decision, to dedicate the best and the brightest minds at the Justice Department to this case and to ensure that the rulings by the U.S District Court ... of Wisconsin does not stand,” said Wolf.

President Obama is still set to acknowledge May 6, 2010 as the National Day of Prayer.