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Entries in Mahdi Bray (2)


Ground Zero Mosque Opposition Signals A Troubling Trend, Says Activist  

The head of a major Muslim advocacy group claims that the heated opposition to the construction of an Islamic community center near the site of the 9/11 terrorist attacks is just one sign of mounting anti-Muslim sentiment across the U.S.

“There is a growing pattern of opposing Mosques … all over America,” Mahdi Bray, the Executive Director for the Muslim American Society, said during a press conference Tuesday at the National Press Club.

Bray said that construction of mosques are being challenged in other parts of New York as well as Tennessee, Wisconsin, Alabama, Florida and California. Brady also noted that there has been in increase in vandalism among Islamic religious centers, and pointed to a botched pipe bomb that went off in a Florida mosque this May.

Brandishing a pocket-copy of the Constitution, Bray decried opponents for encroaching on the Muslim community’s religious freedoms. 

Bray was joined by a collection of inter-faith leaders, including representatives from the Jewish and Catholic faiths.


Protesters' Message To Obama: Get Tough On BP 

By Linn Grubbstrom - Talk Radio News Service

While President Barack Obama met with officials from BP Wednesday, a handful of demonstrators gathered outside the White House to urge the President to take stronger action against the oil giant responsible for the massive spill in the Gulf Coast.

"[The White House has] yet to start talking about a criminal prosecution," said Diane Wilson, a shrimper and activist from Texas who last week poured what appeared to be oil on herself during a hearing with BP executives.

Mahdi Bray, the executive director of the Muslim American Society, also participated in the protest and joined the call for a tougher response.

"We want to apply more pressure on the White House and our public officials," Bray told Talk Radio News. "They really need to seize the assets of BP before they find some kind of financial loophole, possibly bankruptcy."