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When It Comes to Health Care, the Lesser Lead and the Greater Follows

At the Hearing on the State’s Role in Keeping Americans Healthy, Jonathan Fielding, M.D.,M.P.H., director of Los Angeles Department of Public Health advocated nutritional education within schools, nutritional standards for school lunches, Measuring body fat as a new vital sign, and support for nutritional assistance programs.
Fielding said he advocates stronger measures to keep tobacco away from minors, treatment prompts keyed to health screening, smoke-free indoor environments, and tighter regulation of tobacco.
William Emmet, Director of the Campaign for Mental Health Reform said that depression is a factor in 40 percent of physical illness. The mentally ill, he said, cost more, suffer more, are more than three times as likely to smoke, and die 25 years younger, on average.
L. Allen Dobson, Jr., M.D., F.A.A.F.P.Chairman said North Carolina Community Care Networks, Inc. funds enrollments at a monthly cost of $2.50 per child, and $5.00 per adult, though it might rise to between $3 and $8 as benefits expanded. He said enrollment increased, health care providers became more willing to treat Medicaid patients, and the state saved $100 Million per year.
Dr. JudyAnn Bigby, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Massachusetts said that Massachusetts’ 2006 Health Care Reform Bill now covers 94 percent of residents, including 99 percent of children. She described coupons for discounts on fruits and vegetables, an aggressive stop smoking program, rewards for workplace wellness measures, and the nation’s first “pay for performance” program, which provides bonuses to hospitals that meet benchmarks.
Sen. Harkin requested a centralized way of comparing what does and does not work, and said that states were testing and demonstrating the way to universal health care at the national level.