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Sen. Rockefeller wants FBI guidelines public

Review and renew the five sets of guidelines to govern the FBI activities was on Senate Intelligence Committee agenda today, ensuring Federal Bureau of Investigation is acting within in its directory. The guidelines is restricted to domestic intelligence, operating an an direction control on their criminal investigation, national security investigation and their collection of foreign intelligence.

According Chairman John D. Rockefeller VI(D-W.Va.) the guidelines should be more easily accessed to the public and highlights the importance of the guidelines sufficient review. The Attorney General office sought Congress support and judgement on updating the guidelines to become more efficient.

Assistant Attorney General of Legal Policy Elisebeth C. Cook announced few changes being made to the guidelines, focusing on wider the range of investigation techniques such as the pretext interview method, which allows agents to conduct interviews with suspects without identifying themselves as agents nor state the purpose of the interview. “The technique has been routinely available to criminal investigators, I see no reason why it should not be used in a national security context,” said Vice Chairman Christopher S. Bond(R-Mo.)