Republicans Issue Tax Day Warning Against Democrats' Spending Habits
By Antonia Aguilar - University of New Mexico / Talk Radio News Service
Republican leaders took tax day 2010 as an opportunity to issue a warning against the economic trajectory taken by Democrats.
“Americans are sending more and more of their hard earned money to Washington only to see it go to wasteful stimulus programs and a tax and spend agenda that is destroying American jobs,” said House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio).
Boehner argued out that the recently passed health care bill contains at least twenty taxes that fall back on employers.
House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) noted that if spending continues at current levels, Americans could begin to feel it in their checkbooks for years to come.
“We see that we ought to stop the spending,” said Cantor. “We ought to stop the borrowing that will only bring on higher taxes and that will only make tax day 2011, 2012 and ... after more difficult on the American family.”
Republican leaders took tax day 2010 as an opportunity to issue a warning against the economic trajectory taken by Democrats.
“Americans are sending more and more of their hard earned money to Washington only to see it go to wasteful stimulus programs and a tax and spend agenda that is destroying American jobs,” said House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio).
Boehner argued out that the recently passed health care bill contains at least twenty taxes that fall back on employers.
House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) noted that if spending continues at current levels, Americans could begin to feel it in their checkbooks for years to come.
“We see that we ought to stop the spending,” said Cantor. “We ought to stop the borrowing that will only bring on higher taxes and that will only make tax day 2011, 2012 and ... after more difficult on the American family.”
Antonia Aguilar,
Job Growth,
tax increases in

Joint Economic Committee Ready To Hear From America's CEO’s
Joint Economic Committee Chairwoman Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) said on Wednesday that her committee sent surveys to the top 100 small business CEO’s for input on how to stimulate job growth. Feedback would be used by the committee to help other small businesses nationwide, according to Maloney.
With job growth number one on the President’s agenda, Maloney highlighted an idea being presented to Congress which would give tax credits to small businesses that hire new employees.
Maloney also touched upon national housing prices, which have increased for the month of January, along with personal income and the personal savings rate. The Chairwoman said that with exports, consumption and overall GDP on the rise, the nation's economy is slowly but surely recovering.
The committee will conduct a hearing next Tuesday featuring leading economists and small business representatives that will explore methods of boosting job growth.