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Entries in Jesse Jackson Jr. Roland Burris (1)


House Hopeful Wants Jesse Jackson Jr. Investigated

Isaac Hayes, a Republican who is challenging incumbent Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.) for his seat in the House this November, says his opponent should be forced to take the stand.

In a statement put out today, Hayes says the brother of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich testified that a fundraiser with connections to Jackson offered to raise $6 million for Blagojevich if he promised to name Jackson to the Senate seat formerly occupied by President Obama.

Blagojevich, who was found guilty yesterday by a grand jury of lying to federal agents in a case stemming from charges that he attempted to sell Obama’s seat, ultimately appointed Roland Burris (D) to the seat. The jury was unable to reach a verdict, however, on 23 other counts against the disgraced former Governor.

Now, Hayes says it’s time for Jackson to discuss what role, if any, he may have played in the case.

“Simply put, just because Jackson did not succeed in attaining the seat, does that mean he should not answer for his actions?”