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Entries in Israel (60)


Biden Criticizes Israeli Decision To Build In East Jerusalem 

Vice President Joe Biden issued a statement Tuesday criticizing the Israeli government for pursuing a plan to construct new housing units in East Jerusalem, a politically-fragile disputed region.

"I condemn the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem,” Biden said. “It is precisely the kind of step that undermines the trust we need right now and runs counter to the constructive discussions that I’ve had here in Israel.”

“Unilateral action taken by either party cannot prejudge the outcome of negotiations on permanent status issues,” the statement goes on to read.

The Vice President is currently in Israel on a diplomatic trip. Biden traveled to the country partly in an attempt to revive peace talks between Israelis and the Palestinians.

White House Morning Meeting With Robert Gibbs

President Clinton:
Former President Clinton will meet with President Obama and NSC/State department staff on the situation in North Korea and his talk with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il.
The White House will release a still photo from the meeting. President Clinton has had previous meetings with the NSC staff but not with President Obama. Asked if President Clinton would give remarks to the press at the stake out, Gibbs replied that he does not control who comes to the stake out anymore. President Obama has spoken with President Clinton only one time about North Korea which was when the two women landed in the United States on August 5, 2009.

Health Care: 
Gibbs described an over-reaction to what Health and Human Service’s Secretary Sebelius said was "based on many of your stories".
He said "we have been boringly consistent. Asked if this was a signal, Gibbs said " if it was signal it was a dog whistle we have been blowing for three months." He also said if there are other options/plans "we're certainly happy to look at those plans". Concerning choice and competition he said you may find yourself in a state or group of states where only one insurance company is active in the area and having the ability to choose between plans assures quality and ability to get insurance. 
Asked about car insurance he said that he is not sure that health insurance and auto insurance are totally analogous and that the notion of a public option is to guarantee choice in a market that
is closed to choice. In terms of phone calls, the President has made he has not made any calls either to liberals or lawmakers.

President of Egypt Mubarak Visit to the White House:
Gibbs said that there are responsibilities we see for them [Egypt]. 

Israeli Settlements:
Gibbs said that both sides believe we are making progress on the settlement issue. 

Questioned about guns being carried around outside the event in Arizona, Gibbs said laws that govern firearms are state and local laws and that you "can't take one of those into an event with 
the President"

Lockerbee Bomber:
The President's position is that he should continue to serve his full sentence.

Chelsea's Clinton's Possible Wedding:
Did not say if there was an invitation and quipped, "Do you know where she is registered?"

Israel Could Launch Pre-emptive Strike Against Iran, Says Foreign Policy Expert

By Laura Woodhead - Talk Radio News

The Israeli militarily may launch preemptive military action against Iran if world leaders fail to act, said David Menashri, Director for Iranian Studies at Tel Aviv University, during a conference call with the Israel Policy Forum.

"[The Israeli government] is unlikely to sit idly by and wait until Iran gains Nuclear capabilities," Menashri said. "This issue is too big for the shoulders of Israel"

The Director stressed that it was important for the rest of the world not to forget about Iran due to the recent decrease in opposition protest.

"Although things on the surface seem calm and quiet, something is really boiling there...while the world is fascinated by the Iranian election process, the nuclear scientists in Iran did not stop their work. The nuclear clock is ticking" he warned.

Menashri suggested that the recent level of political instability may be partially due to the spirit of change surrounding the election of U.S. President Barack Obama.

"Whenever there is a Democrat President with human rights high on his agenda in Washington there are disturbances and riots in Tehran...there is a great appeal in thinking 'Yes we can' too."

The Director added, "The combination of radical ideology on the one hand and nuclear capability and delivery systems on the other is a serious challenge to the region and beyond the region...the solution should be an American lead solution"

Menarshi argued that if Iranian leaders fell under enough pressure "they would choose the survival of the regime" over there nuclear ambitions.

"Iran is a rational country, they have proven again and again, when there was a clash between ideology and interest of the regime, interest won over ideology."

Ultimately, Menashri argued, it is impossible to predict what will happen next in Iran.

"If there is someone that tells you they know what will happen, do not believe him" he said.

Polls Show Israelis and Palestinians Want Two-State Solution

By Sam Wechsler - Talk Radio News Service

A series of recently released poll results suggest there may be peace in the Middle East in the near future. Nader Said, the General Director for Arab World for Research and Development, shared during a briefing that 78% of Israelis and 74% of Palestinians are willing to accept a two-state solution. He also stated that 95% of Israelis and 92% of Palestinians are willing to accept negotiated peace.

James Zogby, Founder and President of the Arab-American Institute said Arab-Americans and Jewish-Americans agree “on almost every issue, to the degree whereby [their] attitudes are within the margin of error of each other on almost all questions.”

Zogby also stated that the most troubling information he gathered was the partisan split in American opinion over the Arab-Israeli conflict: 70% of Obama supporters in the most recent Presidential election believe the President should “get tough on [Jewish] settlements [in the West Bank]”, whereas 71% of McCain supporters believe the President should not.

Jim Gerstein, Principal at Gerstein Agne, said that in a July 2008 poll, Jewish-Americans were asked what the two most important issues they would be voting on were. Only 8% cited the Arab-Israeli conflict as one of the two most important issues. In addition, 72% of Jewish-Americans approve of President Obama’s approach to the conflict.


Optimism for Middle East Peace

By Courtney Ann Jackson- Talk Radio News Service

Today former British Prime Minister Tony Blair expressed to members of Congress his support of a two state
peace solution between the Palestinian Authority and Israel. Speaking to the U.S. Senate Committee on
Foreign Relations, Blair said that he looks at the Middle East with the eyes of an optimist.

Significant arguments over territory, refugees, security and water in the region, Blair said, “although immensely challenging, are resolvable.”

He said that if the possibility of a two state solution became a reality, a majority of Palestinian and Israeli citizens would support it.

Blair currently serves as Quartet Representative and was in Washinton to promote the Quartet objectives. He is responsible for revitalizing the Palestinian economy and promoting the Quartet objectives. In his written statement to the Committee, Blair said "The opportunity is there. But it won't remain if not seized. As President Obama has recognized, this is the right time to seize it."

Committee member Sen. Dick Lugar (R-Ind.) said that “a peace settlement would require Israeli and Palestinian leaders with thin majorities to get beyond calculations designed to protect their own political interests.” Lugar also said the United States would have to be “very active and very creative” as they aided in the progress toward a settlement.

Blair said that leaders need to make sincere efforts to "reinvigorate the credibility" of a peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority need to “The only unity that works is a unity of genuine agreement,” he said.
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