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White House Puts Out Plan To Tackle Homelessness

Robert Hune-Kalter-Talk Radio News Service

The White House put forward an ambitious strategy to tackle homelessness Tuesday during a forum held by the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH).

The plan, entitled Opening Doors, seeks to provide affordable housing, stabilize the U.S. economy, link health care and assistance programs and ultimately acknowledge homelessness as a crisis.

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan laid out the goals the Obama administration hopes to achieve through the strategy.

“First, we will end chronic homelessness in five years. Second, we will prevent and end homelessness among veterans in five years,” said Donovan. “Third, we will prevent homelessness for families, youth, and children within a decade and, finally, we will set a path for ending all types of homelessness in this country.”

Donovan stated that the aims will be backed by the $2 billion dollars in Recovery Act funds awarded to USICH to help fund the programs.

The plan has already helped provide 30,000 units of permanent supportive housing to veterans and their families.

According to Donovan, the plan will be presented to Congress shortly.