Obama Announces $2.3 Billion For Green Energy Jobs
$2.3 billion in Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds will be allocated towards the creation of green energy manufacturing jobs, President Barack Obama announced Friday.
“Building a robust clean energy sector is how we will create the jobs of the future, jobs that pay well and can’t be outsourced,” Obama said.
The president added that the move will have the added benefits of weaning the U.S. off foreign oil and slowing the impact of climate change.
The administration expects the measure to directly create 17,000 jobs, with the creation of additional thousands anticipated following private sector investments.
Friday’s announcement comes shortly after the Department of Labor released new unemployment statistics showing little change in job numbers between November and last month, with unemployment in both months hovering around 10%.
“Building a robust clean energy sector is how we will create the jobs of the future, jobs that pay well and can’t be outsourced,” Obama said.
The president added that the move will have the added benefits of weaning the U.S. off foreign oil and slowing the impact of climate change.
The administration expects the measure to directly create 17,000 jobs, with the creation of additional thousands anticipated following private sector investments.
Friday’s announcement comes shortly after the Department of Labor released new unemployment statistics showing little change in job numbers between November and last month, with unemployment in both months hovering around 10%.
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obama in
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White House

Green Jobs Key To Putting Under-Served Americans To Work
U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis was the featured speaker at the sixth annual Latina Luncheon Series in Washington, D.C. on Friday. Solis discussed challenges faced by Latinos throughout the country, such as jobs.
Green jobs, said Solis, are going to be the key to putting minorities, including Latinos, African-Americans, American Indians, women, farm-workers and lower-class Whites to work.
Solis said that millions of dollars in grants from the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, passed earlier this year, are helping working families get back on their feet and find jobs in green industries.
“Through the Recovery Act and other investments, $220 million was made available to help dislocated workers transition into new high-growth sectors like allied health and information technology,” said Solis. $114 million has been awarded to community groups nationwide to educate and train young people, she added.
“By providing the job training that will revamp blue-collar jobs into secure 21st century green-collar jobs, we are paving a pathway out of poverty, strengthening urban and rural communities and protecting the health of our citizens and planet,” boasted Solis.