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Bill Clinton Opens Up On ’08 Election

Former President Bill Clinton opened up about the 2008 election Tuesday evening, stating that he never doubted a Democrat would win the Presidency.

“I remember on the morning of the [2006 mid-term elections] I told Hillary ‘if we don’t nominate a convicted felon, we’re going to win’. The Democratic nominee will be the president of the United States,” said Clinton during a gala honoring retiring Democratic Leadership Council founder Al From.

The former President credited the shift in U.S. culture as an important aspect of President Barack Obama’s 2008 victory.

“We’re not a bi-racial country anymore, we’re a multi-racial country. We don’t have time to do anything or celebrate our differences,” Clinton explained. “We are wholly intolerant now of the staples of American politics for much of the last 40 years.”

He expressed his gratitude for Obama’s acceptance of a number of projects from the Clinton era, including extending the community service group AmeriCorp and providing a national loan program to make college more accessible. He also touched upon the challenges facing the Obama administration.

“I think we’re going to get a health reform bill. I’ve been waiting all my life for this. I think we’ll be able to get one that has some republican support that won’t be filibustered. But if we just have universal coverage without doing something to break the cost spiral, five years from now we won’t have universal coverage anymore because we won’t be able to afford it,” said Clinton.