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Entries in democracia (1)


Officials are optimistic that voting will go smoothly in Florida and Ohio

Fenton Communications held a teleconference on voter protection concering Florida and Ohio, reassuring voters that since 2001, resources have been implemented to help stop possible problems on election day.

Jonah Goldman, Director of the National Campaign for Fair Elections, said that Florida and Ohio are showing signs of potential problems on election day but he is optimistic they will be resolved. "Their system is good but it still needs work. The issue is that even for early voting, there are voters who leave because of long lines, come back the next day, and still can't vote because of the long lines," Goldman said.

Jorge Mursuli, President and CEO of Democracia U.S.A, said that the good news is the collaboration between organizations which is helping increase peoples awareness of possible problems. "We now have an 800 number that people can call from anywhere to find out about possible voting issues in their area along with what they exactly need to bring to the voting booths," Mursuli said.

Goldman believes that the improvements his organization, others have made since 2001 will make a big difference with early voting and on election day.