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Capitol Independence Day Concert Celebrates 30th Anniversary 

By Sarah Mamula - Talk Radio News Service

As the nation prepares to celebrate its 234th birthday, PBS is gearing up for their 30th annual concert on the lawn of the United States Capitol. Jerry Colbert, executive producer of both concerts for Memorial Day and Independence Day aired on PBS is thrilled with this year’s star-studded line-up.

“[When] We started thirty years ago…we were really primitive,” Colbert said. “30 years later, we’ve got the best equipment, we have the fellas of the Academy Awards, the Grammys, the Tonys, and we are the number one performance show on PBS.”

In addition to the National Symphony Orchestra, music legend Gladys Knight, country music star Reba McEntire, country singer Darius Rucker, pop star David Archuleta, actor John Schneider and world famous pianist Lang Lang will be performing at Sunday night’s concert. 

The free concert will take place Sunday, July 4th from 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on the West Lawn of the Capitol. PBS will also broadcast the concert live.