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Entries in CNN debate (1)


Live Blog: Republicans Square Off In Tampa

TAMPA — Good evening, politics fans. I’m in hot, sunny Tampa, Florida where tonight, the eight Republican candidates for President will face each other in what promises to be an interesting debate. Most eyes will be on presumptive frontrunner, Texas Governor Rick Perry, who will certainly be in the spotlight thanks to his solid poll numbers of late.

(Click here to see photos from the debate)

Perry’s primary challenger, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, will likely attempt to launch attacks against Perry’s position on Social Security, which he modified this week to ease the minds of older voters, concerned about Perry’s remarks in his book, “Fed Up!,” in which he labeled the program “an illegal ponzi scheme.” Perry now insists that he’s against doing away with the popular entitlement, and would rather work to preserve it for future generations. Social Security is a huge issue here in the state of Florida, where almost a fifth of the total population is comprised of seniors.

Romney, meanwhile, may have earned some momentum today by picking up a key endorsement from former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, who dropped out of the race after a poor showing in Iowa last month.

The others participating in tonight’s debate include Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) and businessman Herman Cain. With President Obama just having sent Congress his jobs plan, look for moderator Wolf Blitzer to give the candidates plenty of opportunities to respond.

The debate is being co-sponsored by CNN and the Tea Party Express, and you can watch all the action live on CNN starting at 8:00 pm eastern. However, if you really want to be cool, you should keep your web browser open to this page, as I’ll be posting updates all night long.