Is The Recovery Act Really Helping?
By Celia Canon- Talk Radio News Service
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner testified on the financial situation and on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act today.
Geithner said that “There are important indications that our financial system is starting to heal.”
Signs that we are on the right path include ”New securities issuance has started to revive, Spreads for AAA credit card receivables asset-backed securities (ABS) have fallen about 330 basis points from there peak. There has been more issuance of consumer ABS in the past two months than in the preceding five moths combines,” said Geithner.
loans of similar types, duration and interest rates.”
Starting with the subprime mortgage crisis in 2007, “Unexpected losses experienced by major banks on mortgage-back securities set off a vicious cycle” as Geithner describes.
As a result, the government implemented the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) in February 17, 2009.
The act provides transparency and accountability so that taxpayers know where every dollar is going. Additionally, the ARRA “is giving 95% of working Americans a tax cut, creating or saving 3.5 million jobs, providing nearly 4 million students with a new higher education tax and helping 1.4 million Americans purchase their first home by providing $6.5 in tax credits,” said Geithner.
In terms of lending, which was significantly cut as banks lost their capital, Geithner said “The recovery program included any substantive increasing guarantees and a reduction in fees for small businesses lending programs, and we’ve seen lending under those programs increase 25% since the Recovery Act was passed.”
Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.), Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, mitigated these arguments by saying, “I think the picture remains mixed after losing some 5.1 million jobs since the recession began.”
Geithner concurred, and added “In many parts of the country, many people don’t feel it’s getting better yet, they don’t really feel that the availability of credit is improving.”
“Treasury is continuing to look into additional metrics that gauge the markets more broadly, as well as additional economic metrics, to determine the effectiveness of the current strategy and whether additional or different steps are needed,” Geithner said.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner testified on the financial situation and on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act today.
Geithner said that “There are important indications that our financial system is starting to heal.”
Signs that we are on the right path include ”New securities issuance has started to revive, Spreads for AAA credit card receivables asset-backed securities (ABS) have fallen about 330 basis points from there peak. There has been more issuance of consumer ABS in the past two months than in the preceding five moths combines,” said Geithner.
loans of similar types, duration and interest rates.”
Starting with the subprime mortgage crisis in 2007, “Unexpected losses experienced by major banks on mortgage-back securities set off a vicious cycle” as Geithner describes.
As a result, the government implemented the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) in February 17, 2009.
The act provides transparency and accountability so that taxpayers know where every dollar is going. Additionally, the ARRA “is giving 95% of working Americans a tax cut, creating or saving 3.5 million jobs, providing nearly 4 million students with a new higher education tax and helping 1.4 million Americans purchase their first home by providing $6.5 in tax credits,” said Geithner.
In terms of lending, which was significantly cut as banks lost their capital, Geithner said “The recovery program included any substantive increasing guarantees and a reduction in fees for small businesses lending programs, and we’ve seen lending under those programs increase 25% since the Recovery Act was passed.”
Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.), Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, mitigated these arguments by saying, “I think the picture remains mixed after losing some 5.1 million jobs since the recession began.”
Geithner concurred, and added “In many parts of the country, many people don’t feel it’s getting better yet, they don’t really feel that the availability of credit is improving.”
“Treasury is continuing to look into additional metrics that gauge the markets more broadly, as well as additional economic metrics, to determine the effectiveness of the current strategy and whether additional or different steps are needed,” Geithner said.
Financial Chiefs Say Cooperation Key To Implementing Wall Street Reform
The heads of nearly every major federal regulatory agency told members of the Senate Banking Committee on Thursday that they are working together to slowly craft new rules that will govern the way the nation’s private financial sector operates.
Federal Reserve (Fed) Chairman Ben Bernanke said cooperation between agencies is crucial to successfully implementing provisions within the Wall Street reform bill that was passed earlier this year.
“It is essential that the (law) be carried out expeditiously and effectively,” Bernanke said. “Coordination’s going to be extremely important.”
Bernanke was joined on Capitol Hill by SEC Chairwoman Mary Schapiro, FDIC Chairwoman Sheila Bair and Deputy Treasury Secretary Neil Wolin. As part of the new law, the group will meet weekly with Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to examine the stability of the financial sector.
Over the course of the next few weeks, the agency heads will collaborate on writing new rules that will dictate the behavior of big financial companies nationwide. Specifically, one of their duties will be to identify and monitor so-called “too big to fail” firms.