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Entries in Bobby Sctt (1)


America: Too tough on gang violence?

The Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security Subcommittee met to discuss the growing threat of gang violence and its affect on public safety. Chairman Bobby Scott (D-Va.) said that today there are over 1,000,000 gang members in America and the "get tough" policy implemented by the government, including harsher punishments for individuals on the fringe of crimes, does not work. He said that the "get tough" approach has not done an adequate job stopping gang violence; it has only put more people in jail. He said that the only way to stop gang violence is to address the underlying issues surrounding gang related crimes.

He also said that since 1982 the number of people incarcerated in America has risen from 200,000 to over 2 million in 2007. He also said that the U.S. is the world's leading incarcerator, putting seven times more people in jail per year than the international average. For every 100,000 law abiding American citizens there are 700 incarcerated. These high averages are a result of the "get tough" policy.

Kevin O'Connor, the Associate Attorney General, said the only way to create safe communities and lower the level of gang violence is to work exclusively with the community. A program he applauded, Gang Resistance Is Paramount (GRIP), partners with local school and churches, holding classes and seminars to help children understand the reality and danger of gang violence. O'Connor said that programs like GRIP were the future of stopping gang violence.