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Entries in Bipartisan campaign reform act (1)


Feingold: Campaign Finance Ruling Was A "Tragic Error"

As one of the co-architects of significant campaign finance reform legislation, Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wisc.) was naturally displeased by the Supreme Court's recent decision to allow corporate funding of election advertisements.

“The Supreme Court’s decision ... was a tragic error,” Feingold said Tuesday. “It has harmed our democracy in ways that ... will likely become clear over the next few election cycles.”

The 5-4 ruling, which was made in Citizens United V. Federal Election Commission, denies that the FEC can restrict corporate spending on the grounds that it violates corporations’ rights to free speech, a notion Feingold claims “makes no sense.”

“Corporations can’t vote or run for office, they don’t have feelings or thoughts,” Feingold argued. “They don’t speak of make decisions except through individuals.”

Feingold, along with Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.), sponsored the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act. The legislation restricted the use of soft money and prohibited corporations from placing ads in the lead up to primaries or general elections.