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Entries in Election '12 (155)


Obama Campaign Hits Romney's Son Over Birther Joke

The Obama campaign is attempting to fundraise off a “birther” joke made by Matt Romney, the son of Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney.

“This is how the Romney campaign thinks it’s going to win the Republican primary: by pandering to the dead-ender fringe of extremists who still question where the President was born,” an email sent to supporters reads.

The comments in question were made during a campaign event in New Hampshire Friday when the GOP candidate’s son defended his father’s reluctance over releasing his tax returns.

“He’s certainly not afraid of anything, not hiding anything,” Romney said in a video released by the Concord Patch. “I heard someone suggest the other day that as soon as Obama releases his grades and birth certificate and sort of a long list of things, then maybe he’d do it.”

Matt Romney clarified that the statement was not made by his father and in a Twitter post made later, Romney dismissed the apparent gaffe as “a dumb joke.”


It's Romney Over Paul In Iowa

A new CNN/Time poll released Wednesday shows Mitt Romney clinging to a three-point lead over Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Both candidates are up five points each from where they were in the same poll conducted earlier this month.

The poll also reveals a mild surprise, with former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum finishing in third place at 16 percent. Santorum clocked in at just five percent in the earlier poll.

Click here to read more…


Romney Running Away In New Hampshire, Huntsman Hanging On

PELHAM, NH — Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney picked up 44-percent of likely New Hampshire voters surveyed in the latest CNN/Time poll.

The poll showed Romney leading Texas Congressman Ron Paul by 27 points. A similar poll conducted back in the first week of December put Romney at 35 percent.

Meanwhile, Newt Gingrich seems to be slipping. The former House Speaker from Georgia saw his approval numbers drop from 26 percent in the earlier poll to 16 percent in this latest one.

Jon Huntsman, who has been spending nearly all of his time campaigning in the Granite State, finished fourth at nine percent. Though the same survey showed him at just one percent in Iowa, the former Utah Governor and American Ambassador to China is hoping to win over a more moderate voting bloc in the New England state.

WBZ-TV political analyst Jon Keller says Huntsman may have a shot in New Hampshire due to all the face time he’s gotten with voters in the state.

“They like a candidate who basically pledges his or her undying affection to that state, by camping out there,” Keller said. “This is true with Santorum, who has had a late surge in Iowa, and Huntsman has essentially been living in New Hampshire for the last two months,” he added.

Keller says that New Hampshire’s open primary could also bode well for the former Utah Governor.

“Huntsman may improve on that nine percent showing come primary day on January 10th because don’t forget, independent voters can walk up and take a Republican ballot on primary day.”

Huntsman made his 129th campaign appearance in New Hampshire at a town hall meeting Wednesday in Pelham. Speaking with reporters after the rally, Huntsman says he likes Keller’s assessment.

“I agree with that analyst. There will be another poll tomorrow and another one the next day. But the only one that matters is the one on the 10th,” he said.

Huntsman’s poll numbers have hovered at around 10-percent in the major polls since December 1st. His highest rating was 13-percent in a Suffolk University poll released last week.

The CNN/Time poll was recorded with 1508 adult likely voters from December 21st to the 24th and again from the 26th and 27th.

Click here to listen to a pair of audio reports on the story from TRNS’s Michael Carl.


Ex-Republican Gary Johnson To Run As Libertarian In 2012

The Libertarian National Committee released the following statement in response to former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson’s announcement today that he’ll run for President next year as a Libertarian:

“The Libertarian Party welcomes Governor Gary Johnson to the race for the Libertarian nomination for president. Governor Johnson has an outstanding record for vetoing legislation as former governor of New Mexico. He vetoed more bills than all other governors in the country combined, stopping the expansion of Big Government.”

“Governor Johnson has also proposed a substantial reduction in federal spending. Libertarians look forward to learning the specifics and the time frame of that reduction. Governor Johnson appeals to fiscal conservatives -rank-and-file Republicans, libertarians, independents and even many Democrats - who see most Republican candidates as agents of Big Government and high taxes.”

“Governor Johnson also appeals to non-interventionists of all political stripes who are disappointed with President Obama’s surge in Afghanistan and his involvement in Libya.”

“Free market advocates understand that third parties provide essential competition for the entrenched two parties. Without the Libertarian Party, Republicans typically nominate a Big Government, high tax candidate such as Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich — which results in guaranteed further expansion of Big Government.”

“The Libertarian Party will be on the ballot in nearly all, if not all, 50 states - including Virginia. At least 99% of the population of voters in the United States will have the opportunity to vote Libertarian.”

“The party’s nominating convention will be held in Las Vegas May 4th and 5th.”

“Regarding the charge that the Libertarian Party could “spoil” the election for the Republican nominee, Carla Howell, Executive Director said, “You can make that case only if Ron Paul is the Republican nominee. If any other remaining contender in the GOP primary were to win, then the Republicans will offer a choice for more Big Government and higher taxes. You can’t spoil tainted meat.”

“All of the Republican Party presidential candidates ” except for Ron Paul ” have a track record of voting for higher levels of government spending. Many have raised taxes, supported bailouts, and/or voted to expand Big Government.”

“Mitt Romney went one better in Massachusetts when he championed ObamaCare Part I,”said Howell.”

“Should one of the non-Paul candidates prevail, then the Libertarian Party will be our only means to restore fiscal sanity, to create a friendly business environment and to create desperately-needed new jobs,” said Howell.”


Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson Retiring

Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) is expected to announce his retirement Tuesday, according to various media reports.

Nelson’s decision to leave the upper chamber bodes poorly for Democrats, many of whom fear that his seat in the heavily conservative state will likely be taken by a Republican, thus decreasing Democrats’ chances of keeping the Senate. Five Democrats and one independent, the Democratic leaning Joe Lieberman, have already announced that they will not run in 2012.

Nelson, a former Nebraska Governor, was elected to serve in the Senate in 2000. He has gained headlines in recent years for being at odds with his party over key pieces of legislation, particularly health care reform.

Nelson is expected to formally make the announcement during a press conference Tuesday.