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Obama Campaign Hits Romney's Son Over Birther Joke

The Obama campaign is attempting to fundraise off a “birther” joke made by Matt Romney, the son of Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney.

“This is how the Romney campaign thinks it’s going to win the Republican primary: by pandering to the dead-ender fringe of extremists who still question where the President was born,” an email sent to supporters reads.

The comments in question were made during a campaign event in New Hampshire Friday when the GOP candidate’s son defended his father’s reluctance over releasing his tax returns.

“He’s certainly not afraid of anything, not hiding anything,” Romney said in a video released by the Concord Patch. “I heard someone suggest the other day that as soon as Obama releases his grades and birth certificate and sort of a long list of things, then maybe he’d do it.”

Matt Romney clarified that the statement was not made by his father and in a Twitter post made later, Romney dismissed the apparent gaffe as “a dumb joke.”

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