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Ron Paul Running Anti-Perry Ad During GOP Debate

Long-shot Presidential candidate Ron Paul’s campaign will be running an advertisement targeting Texas Governor Rick Perry during Wednesday evening’s GOP debate.

The 60-second spot highlights Perry’s support of Al Gore during the 1988 Presidential election, and contrasts it with Paul’s early endorsement of Ronald Reagan.

“America must decide who to trust: Al Gore’s Texas cheerleader or the one who stood with Reagan,” the ad’s voiceover states.

“We want to point out that Congressman Paul has an unparalleled record of championing true conservative principles, and his message of limited Constitutional government, sound money and balanced budgets have won the day,” Jesse Benton, the chair of Paul’s 2012 Campaign, said in a statement. “Other candidates are parroting Dr. Paul’s principles in their rhetoric, but their records prove they cannot be trusted to live up to their words.”

Paul’s campaign says the ad is set to run twice during the debate

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