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Romney Previews Jobs Plan

Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney penned an op-ed in Tuesday’s edition of USA Today previewing his upcoming proposal to spur job growth and mend the economy.

I will introduce a plan consisting of 59 specific proposals — including 10 concrete actions I will take on my first day in office — to turn around America’s economy,” Romney said. “Each proposal is rooted in the conservative premise that government itself cannot create jobs. At best, government can provide a framework in which economic growth can occur.”

The former Massachusetts Governor said the plan, which will be formally unveiled during his appearance in Nevada Tuesday, will make the case for a “total overhaul of our overly complex and inefficient system of taxation,” including the elimination of the capital gains tax for middle-income taxpayers and reforming the corporate tax rate.

As cost cutting measures, Romney calls for rolling back government employment, implementing spending caps and passing the balanced budget amendment.

In addition, Romney proposes requiring the costs of new regulations implemented by agencies to be offset by removing regulations elsewhere, bolstering international trade and increasing domestic energy production via nuclear power, oil, gas and coal.

Romney’s plan comes just days before President Obama is scheduled to speak before a joint session of Congress to promote his administration’s strategy to boost unemployment.

The full op-ed can be read here.

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