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Jindal Says No To Being Perry's VP

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal told reporters Monday night that he will not accept a spot on Rick Perry’s ticket if the Texas Governor secures the GOP nomination.

“No, I will not be his VP,” Jindal flatly said following Monday’s debate in Tampa, Florida. “I want to be Governor of the great state of Louisiana.”

Jindal, once considered a White House contender himself, indicated that he was also not interested in helping Perry find a Vice Presidential candidate.

The Louisiana Governor’s denial came on the same day that he had offered Perry his endorsement.
“Rick Perry is the candidate who can lead our party to victory in 2012,” Jindal said in his endorsement statement. “His record on job creation simply cannot be beat, and the one million jobs he’s helped create as governor is a stark contrast to the 2.4 million jobs lost on President Obama’s watch.”

The announcement marked the second big endorsement among the GOP field. Just hours before Jindal made news, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, who dropped out of the race following a poor performance in the Iowa straw poll, backed former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

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