Boehner Blames Obama, Senate Dems For Weak Job Growth
By Philip Bunnell
Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) took President Obama and Senate Democrats to task Friday following the release of new labor data that shows rising to 9.2 % and few new jobs.
The Republican leader was quick to point to the several “job creating bills” that passed the GOP controlled House but were stalled by the Democrat controlled Senate.
In an appearance before reporters Friday morning, Boehner and other Republican Representatives pointed to several bills that they claimed could create “millions of jobs.” Bills to end the drilling moratorium and rid the private sector of government imposed regulations, the House Republicans said, would drastically reduce unemployment.
With regards to the debt ceiling negotiations, Boehner described the situation as “urgent, even dire.” However, when pressed over how he could “sweeten the deal,” to make the entitlement cuts more palatable to Democrats, the Speaker simply joked “if you have any suggestions, pass them on.”
Boehner and other Republicans will meet with the President again on Sunday to try and reach a deal on the debt ceiling.

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