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Poll: Voters Want Candidates To Combat Deficit With Revenue And Cuts  

With the 2012 elections on the horizon, a majority of voters say that they would prefer a Congressional candidate who is open to reducing the deficit via spending cuts and tax increases, according to a new poll from Rasmussen Reports.

According to the survey, 56 percent of respondents said they would vote for a candidate who supports a balanced approached. In contrast, only 34 percent said they would back a candidate automatically opposed to any increases.

“These results suggest that focusing exclusively on opposition to tax hikes rather than solutions to the federal deficit crisis is a losing position for Republicans,” Rasmussen Reports President Scott Rasmussen said in a statement. “Spending cuts are preferred over tax hikes, but the primary objective right now is to reduce the debt.”

The poll, which was conducted among 1,000 likely voters between July 22nd and 23rd, comes as lawmakers attempt to craft a deal to simultaneously combat the deficit and raise the debt ceiling. Republicans have vehemently opposed any attempt to raise revenue that would increase taxes. According to a Rasmussen poll from July, 14th, 55 percent of Americans opposed raising taxes as part of a deal to increase the debt limit.

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