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OPINION: The Flag And Conservatism

From The Heritage Foundation, I’m Ernest Istook.

This will sound strange-but it comes from new Ivy League research.

When someone sees our American flag, their attitudes, political beliefs, and even how they vote tend to shift toward Republicans. You heard right, according to a two-year study by psychology professors.

This comes right after a recent Harvard study that said attending Fourth of July parades makes children more likely to grow up to be Republicans.

The researchers cannot explain it, but they insist that just seeing Old Glory causes people to draw closer to the GOP.

The impact, they say, is universal.

Whether you’re a Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative, exposure to the American flag makes you lean more conservative-and the effect endures for months.

You can bet that political advisors will take notice, and urge their Democrat clients to build a closer connection to the Stars and Stripes.


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