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Poll: Romney Holds Slim Lead Over Obama

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has a razor thin Obama among registered voters, according to a poll conducted by ABC News/Washington Post.

Romney posted 49 percent, whereas Obama came in with 46 percent. All other GOP frontrunners trail Obama by at least ten points.

The poll comes amid mounting anxiety over the economy. Last Friday, the Labor Department announced a slight uptick in unemployment coupled with less than impressive job growth. Romney, a former CEO, is expected to benefit from a shaky economy.

The poll also found that the party remains divided over the party’s field. 47 percent responded that they were satisfied by the slate of 2012 candidates, 46 percent said that they were dissatisfied and 7 percent said that they have no opinion.

The poll was conducted among 1,002 adults between June 2nd and the 5th.

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