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Poll Puts Romney And Palin At Top Of GOP Field

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin appear to be the 2012 frontrunners following announcements that Mitch Daniels, Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee won’t run.

Romney leads the field with 17 percent and Palin comes in with 15 percent, according to a new Gallup poll.

Although Romney has officially kicked off his campaign, Palin has yet to give a decisive answer. However, recent developments this month have thrown rumors of a possible Palin campaign into overdrive. During an interview on Fox News last week, she stated that she has “that fire in the belly” necessary for a presidential race and on Tuesday, it was revealed that she had sought-out a conservative filmmaker to make a movie defending her partial term as governor. The film is set to debut in Iowa, a key primary state that Palin is expected to win if she enters the race.

Ron Paul comes behind Romney and Palin with 10 percent, Newt Gingrich with 9 percent, Herman Cain with 8 percent and Tim Pawlenty with 6 percent.

The poll was conducted between May 20th and May 24th among 971 likely Republican or Republican-leaning adults.

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