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OPINION: Battle Of The Giants

By Roger Madon

We are in a time when the American people, among themselves, are engaged in an existential battle concerning our nation.

Americans today, probably for the first time since the Civil War are confronted with a fundamental question about our future as a nation. Do we buy into the socialist creed of oppressive regulations, astonishing high taxes and low growth for the questionable purpose of providing 15% of our population with the benefits that 85% of our population provide for themselves or do we continue to takes the risks inherent in a free-market capitalist system the result of which will be less of a safety net for those 15% but will continue America’s political and economic dominance in the world? This question allows for the current demagoguery and pretense coming from our Socialist politicians.

For those politicians who believe in free-market capitalism but choose to hide or dissemble, thereby avoiding confrontation with the American people when the battle of philosophies rages, will inherit the world wind, perhaps not for them but for their children and their children’s children.

America now relies upon those who know, as America always has throughout its rowdy and disorderly history, the future that awaits us, the course to be taken and who choose to fight to the bitter end this alien philosophy of Socialism.

This battle for our future is in the hands of just ordinary people who have been chosen by us to lead us through this difficult time.  America has been blessed in that in times crisis we have always found ordinary people and made them into giants.


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