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Mitch Daniels Will Not Run

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels (R) announced Saturday that he will not run for President in 2012, citing family reasons.

“I love my country; I love my family more,” Daniels said in a statement to supporters. 

Daniels acknowledged that his decision would disappoint his backers and the fray of conservative pundits who have called for him to enter the race, and said that he understood and “will not attempt to persuade you otherwise,” but asked that they accept “my sincerity in the judgement I reached.” 

The Hoosier Governor joins a growing list of prominent GOP candidates who have decided against running.  Former Arkansas Gov. and 2008 candidate Mike Huckabee and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour have also declined to run. Meanwhile, 2008 Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann have yet to officially announce bids.

Daniels’ decision leaves former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty as the most viable Republican candidates for president, with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.) also considered a contender.

Other candidates including Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) and businessman Herman Cain are also in the mix and hoping to surprise.

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