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OPINION: Obama's Two-Ring Circus

By Roger Madon

In politics you are defined by your enemies. 

Yesterday morning at an unscheduled press conference President Obama referred to one of his enemies as a “carnival barker.” Gee!  I wonder to whom he was referring?

At yesterday’s press conference President Obama revealed something about himself that makes the American people uncomfortable: He can’t take punch, a political one, that is. This “birther” thing has been a subject of discussion ever since Hillary Clinton raised the matter during the 2008 Democratic presidential primary concerning whether Barack Hussein Obama was born in the U.S. or Kenya. But during these last 2½ years the birther issue just wouldn’t go away. 

Based upon what we now know the President could have resolved this issue during the 2008 campaign but by choosing not to he obviously had designed some sort of strategy that took into account, timing.  What with Donald Trump getting in front of every cable and TV camera raising the “birther” issue this altered the President’s strategy.

The President blinked and instead of apologizing to the American people for failing to address the “birther” issue when it was first raised he rather goes on a rampage against a carnival barker. 

To sum up: The President likes dishing it out but if can’t take the high pitched shouting of, what he describes as nothing more than a circus performer, for Obama this presidential campaign is going to be very painful.

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