OPINION: A Day Late And Trillions Short
By Roger Madon
Yesterday, at George Washington University, Barack Obama gave the best speech he ever gave during his entire term as president. The problem is he’s a dollar short and a day late. Actually he’s trillions of dollars short and 8 days late.
Eight days ago Paul Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee released his much anticipated “The Path to Prosperity.” It is an economic blue print for our future and in it he warns the American people that in ten years if we don’t effectively address our current national debt it will grow to an unsustainable 24 trillion dollars. To quote Congressman Ryan about the American economy, “We don’t have a taxing problem, we have a spending problem.”
A few weeks ago President Obama revealed his budget for 2012 and it wound up with a 1.6 trillion dollar deficit and no plan for the next four years. Congressman Ryan’s report to the American people was a cold bucket of water dumped on President Obama’s future chances of winning the next election. It pointed out, for example, that unless ObamaCare was repealed Medicare and Medicaid would be unsustainable.
President Obama’s speech at GW, was a clear attempt to dissemble and mislead. When the husband finds Groucho Marx in bed with his wife, fully clothed I might add, Groucho protests that this is all very innocent. Getting nowhere he finally blurts out “Who are you going to believe me or your own eyes?”
Well, President Obama, I don’t believe you.
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