Cantor Confident That House Will Pass FY2011 Measure
By Rachel Christiansen
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) expects a 2011 funding package to pass through the House Thursday, despite claims made by Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) earlier in the day that the GOP may need Democratic votes to do so.
Cantor said during a briefing Tuesday that Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy has indicated “strong Republican support” despite GOP frustrations over shortfalls in their demands for budget cuts.
This was the “best deal” that could be cut between the House, Senate and White house compared with the beginning of the session when Democrats wanted “zero spending cuts,” Cantor said.
Cantor also noted that the debt ceiling debate may be given more time that originally thought, since the Treasury Department says the limit may not have to be raised until July. Officials previously had said that the limit must be increased by sometime next month.
House Republicans, according to Cantor, are already engaged in debates over the issue of the debt ceiling, However, he said that it would be “irresponsible” to not pair such a vote with significant cuts in spending.
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