OPINION: Making A Little Luck
Tom Friedman in yesterday’s New York Times attempts to bring some clarity to the current situation in the Middle East and specifically to our position in Libya. I respect Tom as an author, columnist, journalist, and golfer. He has covered the Middle East for many years, so I respect his writings and opinion. Tom concludes his article by saying that he is praying that we are lucky in Libya.
I used to have a football teammate who when a lucky break would come his way would always say, “I would rather be lucky, than good.” Another football adage goes, “You make your own luck.” I am more of a proponent of the later saying than my teammate’s. I have been in several Hobson’s choice scenarios myself, and you always pray for a little luck. History teaches us to win a war you can always use a little luck. But counting on luck is always a mistake in sports, in cards, and certainly when it comes to war.
I don’t doubt the sincerity of the President’s belief that he is taking the right course, and we are clearly going in the direction he is heading. What anybody may say is the right way or wrong way is not going to affect the outcome. We will know soon enough where it will all lead, so I agree with Tom, let’s all pray for luck.
But whether we are lucky or not, let’s for once try to learn from this experience. I am not talking about the partisan finger pointing that will surely occur or the second guessing after all the facts are in that has become sport on the 24 hour news shows. What about having a real analysis on whether, before it started, we truly worked to avert violence and death before it happened. Or did we instigate this somehow? How do we encourage liberty without provoking repression? How about having a true national dialogue about the concept of peace as an option. We have the leadership former Presidents, Sec. of State, Nobel Peace Prize winners. Let’s get them involved in a national effort to affect Peace.
Our country has taken on this role of world peacekeeper by going to war all over the planet. We have included in the definition of humanitarian aid, the giving of weapons that kill and destroy. We, as a nation, now have an opportunity to redefine our role in the world and as a peacekeeper. One option would be to provide humanitarian (no weapons) and disaster relief solely. There are many other limits we could place on ourselves if we wished. Isn’t this the time we turn our attention to our own repressions and our own tyrannies.
“We make our own luck.” Let’s start making it now.
Webb Hubbell is a contibutor to TalkRadioNews.com and can be found daily at www.webbhubbell.com orwww.thehubbellpew.com.
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