Romney Hits Obama On Job Growth
Perhaps playing on his greatest strength, Mitt Romney, a likely 2012 contender, blasted Barack Obama Tuesday for failing to adequately spur job growth.
In a Boston Herald op-ed, Romney, the former Governor of Massachusetts, charged that Obama passed on the responsibilities for mending unemployment to Congressional Democrats and adopted an economic strategy that left employers unable to hire.
“Our out-of-control fiscal policies are also impinging directly on the labor market,” Romney said. “The denizens of the White House appear not to know it, but employers and entrepreneurs worry a good deal about the federal deficit and the federal debt.”
Romney, made an unsuccessful White House bid in the 2008 campaign running largely on his business background, argued that the only remedy to the fiscal crisis may be a new President in 2012.
“I hope we don’t have to wait two years for a new president to fix things, but I fear we might,” Romney said. “Obamanomics, which at extraordinary cost has accomplished extraordinarily little, is earning our president his own dubious place in our history books.”
The unemployment rate dropped slightly last month, from 9 percent to 8.9 percent.
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