Poll: Less Than Half Of U.S. Voters Support Libya Mission
A poll released on Thursday by Rasmussen Reports shows low public support for the U.S.’s mission in Libya.
According to the survey, only 45% of “likely voters said they agreed with President Obama’s decision to intervene militarily in the violent conflict between Libyan despot Muammar Qaddafi and rebel forces that wish to see him gone.
34% disagreed with the mission, while 21% said they weren’t sure.
55% of Democrats said they supprted Obama’s decision, compared to 36% of Republicans. 47% of all voters surveyed said that the President should have sought congressional approval for the mission.
The Rasmussen poll comes two days after a Gallup poll that featured similar numbers was released. According to the Gallup poll, 47% said they supported Obama’s decision.
Public wariness over U.S. intervention in the country is being mirrored in Congress, where a bipartisan collection of lawmakers have criticized the President’s decision. On Wednesday, House Speaker John Boehner sent a letter to the White House arguing that the mission has spawned too many unanswered questions and Rep. Dennis Kucinich has called the President’s decision to move forward without adequately addressing Congress an impeachable offense.
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