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Libyan No-Fly Zone Becoming Obama's Elephant

White House spokesman Jay Carney had to again deflect questions from reporters about why the Obama administration has yet to clearly endorse imposing a no-fly zone over Libya.

During his daily briefing on Tuesday, Carney responded to questions about deliberations by asking, “As an American citizen, would you want your president not to consider all the implications and ramifications?”

Over the past three weeks, as evidence of Libyan despot Muammar Gaddafi using air assaults to stifle rebel forces has become verified, the international community has struggled to heed the calls to impose a no-fly zone over the turmoil-laiden country. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and the leaders of France and Britain have all mentioned the idea, which has been openly endorsed by members of the Arab League, as well as Libyans who represent their country’s opposition party.

Experts argue that the U.S. should not hesitate to act. “We should – not only because it is logistically doable, but also because we have a moral obligation and an internationally recognized responsibility to protect,” wrote Daniel P. Sullivan, a senior policy analyst for the recently merged Genocide Intervention Network / Save Darfur Coalition in an op-ed column for The Hill newspaper.

Still, the White House insists that a no-fly zone must be agreed to by and enforced through the proper channels.

“It is important that any action like that…should be done in concert with our international partners” Carney said Tuesday. “Through the United Nations would be our preferable vehicle for that.”

Reader Comments (1)

Give Obama a break. some one literally had the balls to ask the president about considering all options.


March 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJoe

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