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Napolitano: U.S. May Be As Vulnerable To Terror Today As It Was On 9/11

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano warned the House Homeland Security Committee Wednesday that the U.S. could be as vulnerable to a terrorist attack today as it was on 9/11.

“The terrorist threat facing our country has evolved significantly in the last ten years,” Napolitano said in her prepared testimony. “In some ways, the threat facing us is at its most heightened state since those attacks.”

Napolitano noted that the dangers posed by homegrown terrorists were of particular concern.

“One of the most striking elements of today’s threat picture is that plots to attack America increasingly involve American residents and citizens,” Napolitano said. “Based on the latest intelligence and recent arrests, that individuals prepared to carry out terrorist attacks and acts of violence might be in the United States, and they could carry out acts of violence with little or no warning.”

To counter this, Napolitano said that additional emphasis needs to be put on fighting terrorism at the community level, primarily through local law enforcement agents.

Napolitano’s appearance comes prior to a series of hearings the Committee intends to hold on Islamic extremism. While Napolitano noted that religious radicals were under scrutiny, she said that there are additional concerns.

“We see a variety of different types of motivations in addition to the Islamist motivation we’re here talking about right now,” Napolitano said, citing domestic anti-government groups and Timothy McVeigh like figures.


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