Notes From Today's White House Gaggle
White House press secretary Jay Carney held today’s gaggle with reporters:
Carney said that UN Ambassador Susan Rice will attend the briefing this afternoon to talk about Libya.
Continuing Resolution
The President is pleased with the progress on the continuing resolution. It is paramount that actions do not harm the economy. The CR must allow enough time for negotiations to allow a CR through the current fiscal year, otherwise it will be bad for the economy. The President does not want the government to shut down. He has been clear about that with the leadership and the public. The focus should be on coming together and finding common ground.
Meeting with Ban Ki moon
Libya will be on the agenda. Ambassador Rice will talk about it, do not want to get ahead of that.
The President believes Qaddafi needs to go. The US is reaching out through a variety of channels - diplomatic, business, NGOs, to people who are trying to bring about a government that respects the aspiration of the people. The President’s position is clear and stark regarding Qaddafi’s regime. We are actively considering the no fly zone option. All options are on the table. We are looking closely at humanitarian aid. Secretary Clinton will say something about that today.
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