Mubarak Steps Down, Cheers Erupt In Tahrir Square
UPDATE: Egypt Vice President Omar Suleiman announced early Friday that President Hosni Mubarak will be stepping down, ending an 18 day protest in Egypt. Suleiman said that the higher council of the armed forces will lead the nation.
This announcement comes on the heels of numerous reports that Mubarak fled Cairo to the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, where he has a palace and often spends time.
This is a developing story…
Thursday - After a day full of rumors and anticipation, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak disappointed millions of protesters today when he announced would delegate some of his power to newly appointed Vice President Omar Suleiman but would “carry out his responsibilities to the country” until the September election.
Mubarak said he was proud of Egypt’s youth and promised their efforts to instigate change would not be in vain, adding that he would spare no effort in prosecuting those responsible for the violence against demonstrators.
Mubarak said he had no problem listening to young Egyptian’s grievances and demands but would not have his actions be dictated by foreign powers. In recent speeches, both Mubarak and Vice President Omar Suleiman blamed unnamed foreign actors for inciting some of the unrest and violence.
Egypt’s 82 year old President also said he would annul several constitutional articles, but insisted the country’s Emergency Law would remain in place until conditions on the ground allowed for it to be lifted.
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