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OPINION: The Day After Christmas

Twas the day after Christmas,
And all ‘cross the land
All the people were saying,
“Wasn’t Christmas just grand?”

The children were joyful,
The parents were tired,
And grandfolks, aunts and uncles
Had been really inspired.

The stockings still hung by the chimneys with care
But the toes were now empty; there was nothing left there.

All the presents were opened
The carols all had been sung
We’d enjoyed our big gathering
Where we’d seen everyone.

But beneath all the clutter, the leftovers and toys
Was the meaning eternal, and the source of our joys.
For we’d focused our time not on gifts, not on food
But on the true source of our holiday mood.
We read verses, we sang songs, we remembered and smiled
For the cause of it all was the holy Christ Child.

So may we proclaim ‘ere the year starts again:
Let’s promote peace on earth, and good will to men.

From The Heritage Foundation, I’m Ernest Istook.


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