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WATCH: Obama Relieved To Get Payroll Extension Done

Speaking to reporters at the White House today President Obama said he was pleased that the deal got done. He thanked all members of Congress and made the following remarks; Every working American keeps their tax cut. Vital unemployment insurance continues. When members return, without drama or delay, they should reach agreement through all of 2012. It should be a formality. This is important for families and the economy.

He thanked Americans for bringing their voices to the debate, which takes courage to think that your voice makes a difference. It’s a reminder to people in this town; They did not send us here to play partisan games, but to serve. It is good news. There is a lot more work to do.

This is a make or break moment for the middle class, he said. The economy is showing some positive signs. We must redouble our efforts. Everyone should play by the same rules and have a fair chance. That is the country the American people deserve and want. Merry Christmas to everyone. A special Happy Christmas to all the men and women in uniform.

The President finished by saying, “Aloha.” He then walked out of the press briefing room and within five minutes, had boarded Marine One on his way to Joint Base Andrews in suburban Maryland. There, he’ll board Air Force One and fly to Hawaii to spend Christmas with the rest of the First Family.

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