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OPINION: Obama The Tax Cutter?

To hear President Obama describe it, he’s a tax-cutting champion.

But he doesn’t mention the 18 tax hikes in his Obamacare health insurance law. Most of them purposely don’t kick in until after next year’s elections.

$210-billion in payroll tax increase; $60-billion in taxes on insurance companies; $32-billion in taxes if the feds decide your insurance is too generous. Billions in taxes on investment income and even home sales. And of course the individual mandate.

Plus higher costs and penalties on businesses. 18 tax hikes under Obamacare.

Obama promised his health care plan would save every family $2,500 a year. Instead, it’s making insurance cost more than ever.

No matter what other taxes might be cut, it’s far less than what Obamacare is costing all of us.

From The Heritage Foundation, I’m Ernest Istook.


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