Gingrich Pledges No Negative Advertising
In a letter to supporters Tuesday, Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich promised that his campaign would not run any negative ads against fellow Republican candidates.
“It is critical the Republican nominee emerge from this primary campaign un-bloodied, so that he or she can make the case against President Obama from a position of strength,” Gingrich said. “We will run a positive campaign focused on our country’s future.”
Gingrich took the pledge one step further, saying that he will both instruct his campaign’s surrogates to remain positive and discourage supporters from contributing to any third party organizations that plan on attacking his GOP opponents.
The former Speaker of the House added that he hopes his fellow Republican candidates will likewise withhold from attacks.
However, despite pledging to remain positive, Gingrich did add one small caveat, to his overall plan.
“I have reserved the right to respond when my record has been distorted,” Gingrich said.
This is not the first time Gingrich has urged his colleagues to refrain from attacks. During the Republican debates, Gingrich often turned down opportunities to knock his opponents and instead scolded moderators for attempting to sow division within the GOP ranks.
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