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‘Birthers’ Get a Collectible Keepsake From The Obama Campaign

By Tim Young

On Friday, New Hampshire’s Republicans allowed a hearing in their State House on the long debated and beaten-to-death issue of Obama’s birth certificate in order to determine if the current President of the United States was eligible to run for re-election.

The Obama campaign’s fundraisers have used the issue to their advantage, and on Saturday, released an announcement to their supporters letting them know they can buy “limited-edition” mugs with the President’s long-form birth certificate emblazoned on the side.  The alternate side has a picture of the President with the tag line, ‘Made in the USA.’

The mugs will be sent to those who donate $20 or more to the campaign and are said to be made “in honor of birthers everywhere.”

The issue of Obama’s birth status has been raised multiple times including the 2008 election and more recently, when Donald Trump made it one of his principle issues for running for President himself.  President Obama has released birth certificates in both instances silencing the conspiracy theorists.

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