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OPINION: Immigration Number Games

America’s immigration service just announced that a record number of illegal immgrants were removed from the USA last year—almost 400-thousand individuals.

Unfortunately, they’re playing games with the definitions. Notice they claim a record number of removals, not a record number of deportations. There is a big difference.

When we deport somebody, they are disqualified from ever coming back legally. But if we allow an illegal to depart on their own, it’s a voluntary removal, and they have a chance to re-enter legally.

The fudging of the numbers doesn’t stop there. The Obama Administration put a halt of over 300-thousand actual deportations that were pending, pledging to dismiss those who had not committed a serious crime (and they ignore that sneaking into the country was a crime).

It’s all another example of how Washington plays word games, to leave us with false impressions.

From The Heritage Foundation, I’m Ernest Istook.


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