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OPINION: Red Tape Kills Jobs

Businesses keep telling us that don’t create more jobs because they’re stifled by regulations. Red tape makes expansion expensive. Red tapes makes just staying in business more expensive. Red tape creates uncertainty about what comes next.

The problem is not new, but it is getting worse. When George W. Bush was in the White House, the cost of new regulations rose by $60-billion a year. Under President Barack Obama the cost has risen by $40-billion a year.

Here’s the catch: Bush was President for eight years, and Obama for just two and a half. So red tape is rising at least twice as fast under Obama as it did under Bush. And that doesn’t even count major job-killers that are pending, or the full impact of Obamacare.

When will we learn that red tape strangles growth and kills jobs?

From The Heritage Foundation, I’m Ernest Istook.


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