WATCH: Steve King Opines On GOP Field
I found Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) at today’s Values Voter Summit taking place in downtown DC and asked him a few questions about the 2012 GOP race, Harry Reid’s decision to go nuclear last night, and the administration’s move against Alabama’s new immigration enforcement law.
Here are some highlights from our conversation:
On which candidate is set to receive the biggest boost from the Values Voter Straw Poll: “We don’t know what actually triggers some of these jumps in the polls.”
On Chris Christie and Sarah Palin deciding not to run: “I’m glad now that the field is finished.”
On whether some of Rick Perry’s not-so-conservative policies will come back to haunt him: “Generally speaking, Rick Perry is a conservative…there’s some blips along the way that perhaps can be ironed out or understood better.”
On Florida’s decision to bump up its GOP primary: “They should not have done that.” King added that he hopes New Hampshire delays the date of its primary so that Iowa can at least hold theirs in early January instead of December.
On Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) using the so-called “nuclear option” to advance a foreign currency crackdown bill last night: “It makes him a hypocrite.” King added that Reid’s move “breaks the trust they have between the minority and the majority.” He added that he hopes Reid remembers his actions last night if and when the GOP takes back the Senate and moves to repeal the president’s healthcare reform law.
On the Department of Justice asking a federal appeals court to block parts of Alabama’s new immigration law: “I believe [the administration is] trying to create legal precedent that no state should be enforcing any immigration laws.”
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