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Poll: Americans Still Trust Local, State Govs

Despite mounting dissatisfaction with Washington, it appears that the majority of Americans still hold confidence in their state and local governments.

According to a new poll from Gallup, 68 percent say that they either have a fair to great amount of confidence in their local governments while 57 percent say the same about their state governments.

Comparatively, only 47 percent hold at least a fair amount of confidence in the executive branch, and there’s even less in terms of Congress. 26 percent say they hold a fair amount of confidence in the legislative branch and only 5 percent hold a great amount.

Regionally, those living in the Southern and Eastern portions of the United States hold their governments in higher esteem, with 66 and 68 percent of resident responding positively respectively. The Midwest and west rank below, with 48 percent and 45 percent reporting confidence.

The poll was conducted among 1,017 Americans between September 8th and 11th. It was released on Monday.

Full results can be found here.

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