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Obama Leads GOP Frontrunners In Ohio 

President Barack Obama leads the GOP’s frontrunners in the key swing state of Ohio, according to a new Quinnipiac Poll.

When matched up against Mitt Romney, Obama leads by a 45 to 41 percent margin. Against Herman Cain, Obama comes in even stronger with a 47 to 39 percent lead. The President leads by the widest margin against Rick Perry, leading the Texas Governor 47 to 46 percent.

Despite the President’s lead over individual Republicans, 49 percent of voters in the Buckeye state say the President does not deserve a second term, opposed to 44 percent who said that he does. In addition, the majority of respondents said they disapproved of the President’s performance, by 51 to 49 percent.

Obama won Ohio in 2008 with a 3 point lead over Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

The same poll found Cain currently topping the GOP field. The Godfather Pizza CEO garners 28 percent among registered Republicans, a five point lead over Romney. Texas Congressman Ron Paul comes in third with 8 percent.

The full results can be seen here.

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