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Boehner Urges Obama To Re-Visit GOP Jobs Plan

By Janie Amaya

Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) urged President Barack Obama Wednesday to consider the Republican jobs plan.

Speaking before the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Speaker said the Republican jobs plan focuses on fixing federal regulations, the current tax system and getting the budget under control.

Citing a Gallup Poll, Boehner said the biggest concern for small businesses in America is what he described as a continuing “regulatory onslaught” coming from Washington D.C.

“The reluctance to do what we know has to be done, continues to mystify me. This is not rocket science,” Boehner said.

He said potential job creating companies like Gibson Guitars, have shut down or been sued due to federal regulations. In the case of Gibson Guitars, the business was raided by the government because it uses imported wood.

“I don’t want dirty air. I don’t want dirty water. Come on, it’s about  what makes sense in order for America to be able to compete. If we can compete and compete successfully, more Americans are gonna be back to work,” Boehner said.

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