Obama Ties Romney In The Buckeye State
According to a new poll, President Barack Obama ties with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney in Ohio, a sign that the President’s support in the buckeye state has fallen.
In a Public Policy Polling survey, both Romney and Obama chart at 46 percent. Last month, the President led Romney with a 45-43 margin.
“If the election was today Barack Obama would lose to Mitt Romney in Ohio,” Dean Debnam, the President of Public Policy Polling said in a statement.
Herman Cain, the GOP’s other frontrunner, falls just behind the President at 48-45, a slimmer lead than the polling agency’s previous survey, which put the President ahead 47-39.
Although losing support to Cain and Romney, the President has strengthened his lead over both Texas Governor Rick Perry and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) by 5 and 2 percent respectively.
Obama holds comfortable leads over Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), with a 48-40 percent margin and former Speaker Newt Gingrich with 51-40.
The poll was conducted between October 13th and 16th among 581 voters in Ohio. It was released Friday.
The full results can be seen here.
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